F R E E W O R K S H O P !
S O U L C O L L A G E ® F O R W R I T E R S
Saturday, October 22, 2022
8am - 9:30am PT
Via Zoom
SoulCollage® is a fun and accessible expressive arts activity for exploring and enhancing our creative gifts! Through the use of images, this enchanting method helps fire up our creative juices, offering a uniquely intuitive way to excavate knowledge and ideas that can benefit our writing practice and projects. In this interactive session, you’ll learn the basics of the SoulCollage® method, then jump right in to create cards that we’ll engage with via imaginative writing prompts. Carl Jung said, “Often the hands will solve a mystery that the intellect has struggled with in vain.” This workshop will offer an illuminating way to help unpack the mysteries of your writing projects and aspirations, energizing you for the creative path ahead!
Kindly use the link below for free registration and to receive information to join the Zoom. And please check out the list of supplies you’ll need to enjoy the workshop. I look forward to creating with you!
Supplies Needed:
Two 5x8 pieces of cardstock or cardboard
Glue Stick
Two or three magazines filled with images of people, animals, objects, and larger nature or background settings